03/04/2024 - 03/10/2024
"Would you like to hear my favorite passage from Shakespeare? 'Take the fucking money.'"
Logan Roy, Succession
This has been a very relaxing final week with Heidi and Atticus. The Missus and I went into the city on Wednesday and saw Five: The Parody Musical. We sat in the front row, and it may have usurped Beetlejuice as the most fun I've ever had in a theater. We also went to MoMA on Friday and ticked "see Starry Night in person" off of Heidi's bucket list. We both had fun, but as someone involved in the arts, I can say with confidence that art people are pretentious. I also donated blood on the 23rd, but honestly there's not much else to report. We've mostly been playing video games and watching TV; Heidi just started Season 3 of The Handmaid's Tale, I'm about to start Season 4 of Succession, but I also have to catch up on The Bachelor to appease some of the ladies and gentlemen in Little Women...
I've had the most relaxing two weeks I could have hoped for, but it's time to get back to work. Later today, I leave for Miami, Florida, and we have shows all over in Georgia, North Carolina, Kentucky. I plan on posting Bhaer Necessities Part 2 sometime on Wednesday to keep everyone in the loop on what I ended up taking out of my suitcases and replacing them with what I desperately wish I had (no, Amanda, not only more Magic cards (mostly)). I've also been recording songs in our home studio that will be edited and posted to the site later this week. I know I promised filmed songs and monologues, but the unfortunate truth is I wasn't impressed with how any of them turned out. I did submit a few self tapes for some auditions, so it's a good thing I recorded some stuff, but I'm not confident enough in my work to share it with the world. I'll do it right by hiring an accompanist and renting a studio in April, not singing with a YouTube clip in my bedroom.

This was a much needed vacation, but I'm excited to get back into the swing of things. I just hope my lines haven't completely left my brain. See you on the road!
And scene.