03/11/2024 - 03/17/2024
"I am a man in crisis."
Mychal Leverage, Professional Actor
I'm going to be completely honest with you folks; this week was not the triumphant return to the tour that we were hoping for, and it's proving difficult to write about what's been going on in a positive manner. I promise to write more about and explain the circumstances surrounding our travel in greater detail in the coming weeks, just as soon as we get some distance from the last few days first. Completely separate from the work that actually goes into putting on the show, it has been an uphill battle readjusting to traveling on the bus, dealing with fickle weather, the general rudeness of Florida, and being away from my wife. Everything has just been weird.
It hasn't all been bad, though. Our shows have truly been exceptional, and you honestly wouldn't be able to tell that we've been away from the show for two weeks. In the last few days, I've given some of my best performances, not just in this role, but maybe ever. We especially gave it our all when our fearless director Jeffrey B. Moss came down to see our two Sarasota shows. We've all been getting positive feedback on the show from our audiences, venue patrons, and other artists, hearing things like "the best show we've seen in years." Those are good things to hear, even when we may not believe them.
Aside from Little Women, I've uploaded some monologues and songs to the newly added Media page on the site. A huge thank you goes to the lovely Heidi for editing them into something reasonably pleasing to the ear. I'll do what I can to record more when I'm back to our recording studio in New Jersey early April.
Today and tomorrow, we have a well-deserved two days off in Daytona Beach, where I plan to swim in the freezing Atlantic, play mini golf, explore the beaches, and above all sleep in. After our show Tuesday, we travel to Lexington to do a whopping six shows for the good people of Kentucky. I'll keep you all posted on how the rest of the tour is going and where we're heading, but one thing can't be understated; we have to get the hell out of Florida.
And scene.